QuickBooks How To: Free QuickBooks Online Training: #41 Advanced Categorizations: Classes Locations Projects Tags

Free Step-by-Step QuickBooks Online Training for Business Owners, Bookkeepers, and Accountants

Take the frustration and headaches out of using QuickBooks Online with this step-by-step tutorial series. Brought to you by accounting educator and Advanced Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor, Caroline Grimm, and her sidekick Terrance the T-Rex.

Note from Caroline Grimm:

When I first started using QuickBooks Online after decades of using QuickBooks Desktop, I very quickly found out that the two programs are vastly different. It led to a lot of headaches, frustrations, and STRESS as I tried to figure it out. It was a whole lot of trial and error before I made peace with the program. We get along pretty well now. Most days. I’m here to take the headaches and stress out of QuickBooks Online for you. Join me and my Emotional Support Dinosaur, Terrance on a journey to take the frustrations out of using QuickBooks Online. We promise to teach you everything you need to know and to make you laugh out loud.

Lesson 41: Advanced Categorizations | QuickBooks How To

In this video, we explore the power of advanced categorizations in QuickBooks Online. Using advanced categorizations like classes, locations, projects, and tags makes QuickBooks Online reporting even more valuable. You can track your business results by:

  1. Class: separating out different revenue streams like commercial, residential, and service.
  2. Locations: track profitability of your Main St. store compared to your Elm St. store.
  3. Projects: track profitability of your projects–did the Smith’s house build have more profit than the Johnson’s house build?
  4. Tags: group revenue and expense transactions together–Annual Fundraiser, Charity Auction

These advanced categorizations create deeper, richer reporting and comparisons making them one of the many powerful (and often under-utilized) features of QuickBooks Online

Time investment: 2 min 19 sec

Click below to play the video:

Free QuickBooks Online Training #41 | Advanced Categorizations | QuickBooks How To

Ready for Lesson 42? Our class is drawing to a close, but we’ve got one more video for you. Let’s go!

QuickBooks Online Discounts for New Customers

🔥 Smoking Hot Deal! Use this link https://quickbooks.grsm.io/accounting-how-to to access special pricing for new QuickBooks Online customers. Accounting How To receives a small commission if you sign up through this link. That helps keep this website going (and let’s me offer the training for free). And most importantly, it makes sure Terrance gets enough snacks so he doesn’t get hangry. Nobody likes a hangry T-Rex. 👹

🔗 Associated Links

Caroline’s Historical and Contemporary Fiction websites:

Tales of Old New England: Historical Fiction

Magic of Acadia: Contemporary Feel-Good Fiction

Caroline’s Amazon Author Pages:

Fiction books: Because sometimes I don’t talk about accounting. 🙂

Business books: Discover the power in the numbers.

Caroline Grimm

Caroline Grimm is an accounting educator and a small business enthusiast. She holds Masters and Bachelor degrees in Business Administration. She is the author of 13 books and the creator of Accounting How To YouTube channel and blog. For more information visit: https://accountinghowto.com/about/

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