Fund Accounting Explained

Fund accounting is an accounting method used by organizations, typically non-profit entities, government agencies, and other entities with multiple funds or accounts designated for specific purposes. It is designed to track and manage financial resources separately for each fund to ensure proper stewardship and accountability for the funds’ intended use. The primary objective of fund accounting is to demonstrate how financial resources are received, spent, and utilized in compliance with legal and donor restrictions.

Key features and principles of fund accounting:

  1. Multiple Funds: Organizations using fund accounting have various funds, each with its own set of financial records. Examples of funds include the general fund, special revenue funds, capital projects funds, debt service funds, and enterprise funds.
  2. Segregation of Resources: Each fund represents a distinct accounting entity, and the resources in one fund cannot be commingled with resources from another. This separation allows for a clear understanding of the financial activities related to each specific purpose or restriction.
  3. Specific Purpose: Funds are created to serve specific purposes, such as operational expenses, capital improvements, debt repayments, or grants. Money in each fund is designated to fulfill its intended objective.
  4. Accountability and Transparency: Fund accounting provides a transparent view of financial transactions and balances for each fund. This enhances accountability, as stakeholders can track how funds are received, allocated, and utilized.
  5. Balancing Within Each Fund: Every fund operates as a self-contained unit, maintaining its own financial records and balances. This means that revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities are separately tracked for each fund.
  6. Financial Statements for Each Fund: Fund accounting generates separate financial statements for each fund. These statements include the statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in fund balance, similar to income statements in for-profit accounting.
  7. Compliance and Legal Restrictions: Many funds are subject to specific legal and regulatory requirements or donor restrictions. Fund accounting ensures that the use of funds complies with these regulations and restrictions.
  8. Interfund Transactions: In organizations with multiple funds, there may be transactions between different funds, such as loans or transfers. Fund accounting records these inter-fund activities to maintain accuracy and transparency.

Fund accounting is especially crucial for non-profit organizations and government agencies because it helps demonstrate responsible financial management and adherence to donor or taxpayer intentions. By maintaining clear records and reporting for each fund, these entities can ensure that their resources are utilized efficiently and in alignment with their mission and objectives.

Caroline Grimm

Caroline Grimm is an accounting educator and a small business enthusiast. She holds Masters and Bachelor degrees in Business Administration. She is the author of 13 books and the creator of Accounting How To YouTube channel and blog. For more information visit:

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